Saturday, 17 November 2018

Prototype A

Georges great escape.

Basic Level design sketch


The level for Georges great escape follow a straight forward pattern. The aim of the game is for the player to guide George across the melting ice caps so he can return to safety with out falling into the water or time running out!

A hazard in this game is the water and if the player falls into the water they will re spawn at the beginning of the game and the timer will reset. The player is only given a matter of 60 seconds to complete this game.

I considered putting in an enemy, but I found it to difficult. I think the timer challenges the player enough that adding an enemy might just make it too difficult and not as enjoyable.

When the player successfully returns to the safety of Anthracite they will pass through a winning point. I will then include some text saying. George has made it back safe! But Im not to sure about that at the moment.

My games audio will be the sounds of wind stirring and stormy weather but I think I will include a light festive jingle in the back to liven it up again. As the timer starts to run out the ticking on the clock will increase and if you fall into the water you will hear a splash sound and if time runs out you will hear a not so pleasant noise. ( I haven't decided on that just yet)

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