For this weeks growth mindset I watched a video by Carol Dweck. In the video Carol spoke about what is the problem with easy. She speaks about how she thinks that people have made mistakes with child rearing and in the educational system as kids were told that they should feel good when things are easy for them and they got everything right. This is not a case in Carols book. In Carols book easy means that you are not learning to your full potential and she stated that if it was easy, well then you probably already knew how to do it. She spoke about making challenge the new comfort zone which I found very interesting. She spoke about how kids should feel cheated when the work was too easy for them. This is didn't really understand or agree with but I did understand her point when she stated that kids should be given harder work or be asking for challenges. She wants challenge being the new comfort zone, not easy being the comfort zone. I found this video motivational to step out of my comfort zone and try do tasks that challenge me instead of taking the easy route.
Part Two:
For the second part I made a Motto using Cheezburger.
I think this motto is important to live by, especially in a college environment. We should never look down on someone who is struggling, it is important to offer help to those who need.
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